Saturday, March 1, 2008

Slightly Overwhelmed

I enjoyed seeing the examples of how technology can be used in the classroom. I would really love to be able to do some of these things in my classroom, but right now my skill level is way below where it needs to be. I want to learn how to use iMovie, iPhoto, and Garage Band. I did go to Border's, and I bought a tutorial book with a DVD. Now I just have to find the time to use it!

I was very grateful for the class time where we could work on our group presentations. It was nice to have the time with Ed there to answer our questions.

Right now, I am feeling a little overwhelmed. The group presentation is taking us A LONG time - we are probably over thinking the whole assignment. Between that presentation, the unit plan, and all the regular homework, there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day... BUT I know we will get through it.

I thought the "Pay Attention" video was extremely effective! The simple format of the phrases with the music in the background really made me pay attention. It was very well done.

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