Saturday, March 15, 2008

Reaction to the Blogs

After reading all the blog entries from the class so far, I guess I am a little surprised. When we were given the assignment, I thought there must be a lot of disgruntled posts. There really weren't. It seems like many of us are frustrated by the lack of clear criteria provided for us in previous classes. I know I personally really appreciate the rubrics we've had in this class. It is really the first time in this program I felt that I knew what was expected of me. (Thanks, Ed!)

Most people seemed to enjoy seeing the different LoTi group presentations. Some felt it was repetitive. I guess I agree with both! I think, as I stated in the last post, that it might be more beneficial to assign different topics to groups for presentations. That way we would not only see the different presentation styles (and get ideas from them), we would also be learning new information.

Another topic mentioned more than once was the discussion aspect of the class. Several people have posted that they really get a lot out of the time when ideas are shared. I completely agree with that. It really gets you thinking about what you can do in your classroom when you get a group of people bouncing ideas off each other.

It was also comforting to read that other people were stressed out. It is nice to know that I am not alone!

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