Saturday, December 29, 2007

Online Quizzes and The Knowledge Network

The Knowledge Network has quite a few interesting ideas and lesson plans, but I don't think it is as exciting as Thinkfinity. I don't think the lessons are quite as in depth, and I found a lot more dead links on The Knowledge Network. TKN was also harder for me to navigate. It didn't allow specific searches as easily as Thinkfinity does (ex. grades 6-8 math). I did find a link I would like to explore a little more called Math Magic. I am sure if I spend a little more time with the site, I will find more valuable sites.

The online quiz sites were fun. I played with Tickle in class and had a lot of fun trying out some of the strange quizzes! I learned that, strangely enough, I am most like Ryan in High School Musical. I don't see many applications in the classroom for this site, but you can create your own quiz so that could be useful.

I spent a little time with some of the other quiz sites, and I even started to create a Geometry quiz on Quiz Lab. Most of the sites seems pretty similar. You can take quizzes that have been created by others or you can make a quiz of your own. Since I have started playing around with Facebook, I could see using one of these sites to create quiz to add to my page.

When I have some extra time, I would like to go back to both The Knowledge Network and the Quiz sites and experiment a little more!


Tech-lou-ology said...

I agree - Tickle may have been more fun (at 8:30 pm) then something you may use in class - that said I have seen creative teachers do more with less than this site.

Thinkfinity does seem richer at this point. Hopefully you will find lessons on one of the sites we are looking at and it will be a way to start looking rather than starting with google.

Trinie said...

I agree that knowledge network has several good lesson plans, but that Thinkfinity did have a lot less. i did find several activities in knowledge network that i did not see in thinkfinity.

We have had way too much fun with facebook lately. i do enjoy throwing stuff at you.