Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Chapter 15: Issues and Implications

Discuss ways in which computers are affecting the world of work:

Before reading this chapter, I never really thought about the negatives when computers are integrated into the world and it's effect on the work force. I knew the focus of many jobs had changed with the implementation of computers, but I never gave much thought to the amount of people losing jobs in industries. The book questioned whether a time may come when middle-aged, blue-collar workers wouldn't be able to find jobs above minimum wage. When you think of all the companies that have merged/moved overseas recently, I think that may be true. However, even technology companies are laying off large numbers of people. According to the book, job security may be a thing of the past.

The chapter also discussed the trend of working from home. More and more people don't commute to work, and some companies don't even have physical buildings anymore.

Explain and assess changes in the traditional educational roles of teachers, students, and parents due to technology:

Teaching with technology is actually harder and requires more planning than traditional methods. Students need to be guided to create their own knowledge (constructivism) rather than taught specific facts in our changing world. We need to move from "sage on the stage to guide on the side."

Students cannot learn everything because there is too much out there. Instead, they must learn how to find the information they need and to use it properly for their purpose.

Parents must understand and be comfortable with technology in order to help and protect their children. Children have been raised with technology and are, in many cases, more at ease with it's use than are many adults. Parents can't be intimidated by this, but must be willing to learn in order to guide their children.


BILL-BOARD said...

I have to agree that technology does take more planning time but is worth it if student learning improves.

CEdu 510 said...

Thoughtful, meaningful reflections.