Monday, May 25, 2009

Computer Architecture #2

The countdown continues... two down, four to go!

I was really glad that we went over the Boot Process power point in class this week. While still not completely clear in all places, it made a lot more sense than the first few, frustrating times I read through it.

I am looking froward to trying out the LINUX applications. I guess I never really thought about there being any other operating systems available besides Mac and Windows. I have two live Cds burned with Slax and Ubuntu. Now I just have to try them out. I am a little nervous about messing up my computer and never getting it to come back, but I am sure it will be fine. I am much more comfortable with it because of the demonstration in class. That really helped. If I had just been given the directions, with no demo, I would be freaking out about it right now! =)

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