Monday, May 25, 2009

Computer Architecture #2

The countdown continues... two down, four to go!

I was really glad that we went over the Boot Process power point in class this week. While still not completely clear in all places, it made a lot more sense than the first few, frustrating times I read through it.

I am looking froward to trying out the LINUX applications. I guess I never really thought about there being any other operating systems available besides Mac and Windows. I have two live Cds burned with Slax and Ubuntu. Now I just have to try them out. I am a little nervous about messing up my computer and never getting it to come back, but I am sure it will be fine. I am much more comfortable with it because of the demonstration in class. That really helped. If I had just been given the directions, with no demo, I would be freaking out about it right now! =)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Computer Architecture #1

I have to admit that I have been dreading this class since we started the program. As much as I love using computers and learning about new applications, I have had absolutely no interest in what is inside the computer. Coming into this class, I had never been inside a computer and had no desire to change that.

My husband helped me open the computer since I didn't even know how to do that and didn't want to break it! It was interesting to see the parts and match them up with the different websites to identify them. That being said, I still don't think I will spend much time in there in the future. One thing I will take away from the experience is the ability to clean the dust out of the computer. Now that I know how to open it, I will try to get in there and clean it more often.

After reading the Boot Process power point, I felt completely stupid. I didn't even understand half of what I read. I read through it a second time a day later with slightly more comprehension. I honestly don't think I will ever use (or completely understand) most of that.

The first part of the PBS series Triumph of the Nerds was a lot more interesting than I thought it was going to be when I saw it listed. It was interesting to hear how everything started, especially from the Apple perspective.