Saturday, September 27, 2008


This is one sample of a podcast I created on Friday with my seventh grade literature class. We are reading The Westing Game, and we made podcasts about the main characters. The rest can be found on our classroom wiki. We didn't spend a lot of time on these. I just wanted to try it out with them. I used Audacity for the first time, and it was pretty easy - thankfully! The kids loved it! The next time I do it, we will spend more time preparing. I will also give them more specific criteria.

I do want to take the time to listen to some podcasts and see what other teachers are doing. I think it is a great tool that gets the kids excited.

I hadn't really ever explored Ning before, but I spent some time with it today. I created one for my classroom, and I joined several interesting ones I found. I don't know exactly what I am going to do with my classroom Ning, but I think I would like to create some kind of literature discussion site. I am amazed every week by the new things we are learning!

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