Friday, July 11, 2008

Class #2: Data

I really liked the experience of having class using the Elluminate program. I have never used a conferencing site like that, and I am amazed by what you can do with it!

I think it is going to be difficult to do the assignments this week because I teach in a Catholic school where the data is not readily available as it is for the public school teachers. Thank you, Patty, for talking to Rhonda (our brand new principal) and getting what you could. I wish we did have access to more data in our school. I think it would help us to improve our program.

I watched the Patrick Awuah video this afternoon. I was fascinated by the impact of leadership skills (or a lack thereof) on a country like Ghana. He is a great speaker, and he really explained the problems facing the country because of that lack of leadership. The school he started really sounds like it is a step in the right direction.

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