Saturday, June 14, 2008

Class #5: Java

It was another interesting class. As we learned about Java and JavaScript (which I never knew were two different things!), I was thinking about how I could apply one or both to my final project. At the end of class, during our work time, I did some searching for something I could use. I found some neat ones that, unfortunately, just didn't fit my theme. For example, I saw one that recreated the Star Wars script at the beginning of the movie where the text scrolls back amid the stars. I thought that would be REALLY neat, but it would have totally clashed with my page! I found many other neat ones too, but nothing that really fit my page.

Last night, I finally decided to add a digital clock to the bottom of my page. I searched through several different ones to find one where I understood the directions on how to upload/apply the script. Some of them are really confusing! I finally found one, uploaded it, put the script into my html, and it worked! There was only one problem... I didn't like the digits. They were difficult to read (the contrast wasn't very good), and I didn't like the style. I looked at the rubric for the final project and noticed it said we should "modify" an existing JavaScript. So... I searched on the Internet for some FREE digit graphics that I did like. I found some and managed to successfully modify the existing code so it used the new digits I found instead of the ones that came with the script! It does give me a great feeling of accomplishment when something actually works the way I want!

Now I need to add some more pages to my final project...

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