Sunday, April 20, 2008

Elements of Storytelling

After reading through the elements of good storytelling, it seems that they would ALL benefit teachers in the classroom. Some, of course, are more applicable than others.

Point - Hopefully all lessons in the classroom have a point. There is always a specific goal within the lesson.

Dramatic Question - It might not always be dramatic, but I try to get the kids interested in the lesson ahead with some opening activity.

Emotional Content - This one might not be used as often, especially in my math classes. If you can get the kids emotionally involved in something, however, it keeps them focussed and interested. I often try to connect to their emotions in literature.

Voice - I think we all have ways of using our voices to get the kids involved in the lesson and to get them to pay attention.

Soundtrack - This is another one that wouldn't always be applicable in the classroom, but I know our history teacher incorporates music constantly when discussing different periods of history.

Economy - It is always better to focus on key points for the kids rather than trying to cover too much at one time. Their attention spans are limited (some more than others!), and concise is always better!

Pacing - This one is probably the most important, in my opinion, in the classroom. You have to be aware of the feedback you are getting from the kids. Did they understand that? Are they ready to move on? Pacing is key in any lesson.

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