Monday, October 29, 2007

Project Draw

Well, I had great plans to use Project Draw with my math class this morning. I asked them, in a group of three, to create a unique shape (a combination of shapes), label the sides with measurements, and list directions on the page. They were to make a perimeter or area problem for another group in the class to later solve. I had hoped that 4 groups would be able to get one finished (2 computers). That didn't happen...

They were extremely frustrated by the end of the class with nothing to show for it. The editing is nearly impossible, especially in the text boxes. One of the two groups I had working was ready to give up about halfway through the period. I couldn't really help them much because I couldn't figure out how to edit it either.

Another downside is that I can't figure out how to print the drawings. I wanted to print out the sample I had made for an example. I tried printing right from the web page. The menus printed but not the drawing. I tried copying and pasting to a word document. That didn't work either. Finally I tried taking a "picture" of it (mac feature) and saving it to the desktop. When I tried to import that graphic, it told me it wasn't valid.

Overall it has been a VERY frustrating morning!

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